Location: Puyallup, Washington, United States

I'm just a normal 40 hour a week, working woman that is trying to save money wherever she can. I have a wonderful husband and two big kitties and hope to have children in the near future. I enjoy being around my huge extended family, playing softball, and various games of all kinds.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What else can I really say?

Thank you to my two wonderful kids, my kitties Buddy and Shelby for leaving your mom a decapitated mouse this morning. Your mother really liked it. Especially since she didn't realize what she was cleaning up was a head at first. Thank you, thank you. I know it's your wild instinct to kill these creatures, but quit torturing them and don't decapitate them anymore. You are making your mother very ill. Thank you my babies...

now someone please translate this into a language my cats can understand!!


Blogger nell said...

uh, you have set before us an impossible task!

and, ew

3/21/2006 8:56 AM  
Blogger Ozzy said...

lol...i think you might have to catch them in the act and hiss at them or something... :P
my brother's dog left my dad a gopher paw on the sidewalk once...that was a little gross..

3/21/2006 1:28 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I've saved a few mice before...I actually bought a home for one...I've also pulled one alive out Shelby's mouth. They've never ate one though...they usually just play around with it until it's dead and i find the whole thing. the whole no head thing really got me.

3/21/2006 3:13 PM  
Blogger Rama said...

my cats at my 'rents believe they are gifts, a thank you for taking care of them. There's always mouse parts on the front steps and outside the deck door.

Beautiful cat though!

3/22/2006 8:09 AM  

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