Location: Puyallup, Washington, United States

I'm just a normal 40 hour a week, working woman that is trying to save money wherever she can. I have a wonderful husband and two big kitties and hope to have children in the near future. I enjoy being around my huge extended family, playing softball, and various games of all kinds.

Friday, March 24, 2006

It's just one of those days

I just want to go home, and crawl back into my 5 blanketed bed (yes I like blankets). I don't know why. I feel like dreaming is good for me right now, a little break from reality I guess. And the thing is nothing is really wrong...I'm just weird right now...Maybe it's cause the weather is changing and there has been a lot of rain and who knows....I've been so confused on feelings and people from the's just crazy!! My head is overthinking...

My grandma is ill again, and it's scary. She's basically doing some internal bleeding and had been before. They used to be able to give her these chemical treatments, but they can't anymore, so it's a wait and see game...The only resort left besides her body healing itself is surgery....Now my grandma is old and has had a lot of surgeries and she has a lot of scar tissue. So really, that's a last resort. It's just weird and I know people are going to think I'm nuts but a good friend of the family and a "visionary" of sorts has had dreams about my grandmother dying in the family freaked out last year, but everything turned out ok, but it's spring again and she's getting ill i'm nervous. I believe in those visions and so do the rest of my family. it's the native american side of me I know...this is just hard because she is the Matriarch of this family. She's Grandma ya know....

I swear, one person in my family has always got to be sick or something. It could be I have such a large family, it's just odds :) Well back to work.....


Blogger nell said...

*huuuuugs* hope things work out for her. it's always hard when a family member is ill... but there's just something about grandmas isn't there?

3/24/2006 9:16 AM  
Blogger Rama said...

I too am feeling a bit confused about certain people. I tend to overanalyze everything, which doesn't help.

you do have a large family, and you all are really close.

3/24/2006 10:21 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

yeah...and the topper, i woke up with a bug bite on my's a crappy day!! haha, thank you.

3/24/2006 10:27 AM  
Blogger Rama said...

try not to scratch it! hey, have you chosen a day for your wedding? I'm planning my 2007 vacation now, since I'm a planner... wanna make sure I'm not out of town

3/24/2006 12:49 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

oh thinking august of '07 if we can have an outdoor wedding, if it's inside, we might move it up to the spring.

3/24/2006 12:57 PM  
Blogger nell said...

someone mentioned maybe july but I'm guessing none of us know for certain yet

3/25/2006 11:29 AM  

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