Location: Puyallup, Washington, United States

I'm just a normal 40 hour a week, working woman that is trying to save money wherever she can. I have a wonderful husband and two big kitties and hope to have children in the near future. I enjoy being around my huge extended family, playing softball, and various games of all kinds.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

No more dominoes

Not like I ate the stuff anyways, but now I really won't. Just like I won't sign up at Curves because they donate part of their money to anti-abortion groups. Just personal opinions.


Blogger nell said...

wow, I guess it's a good thing I've always been too lazy to walk down to the corner and get pizza. and too lazy to ever go to curves. hooray laziness! boo the bad guys!

3/01/2006 9:09 AM  
Blogger Rama said...

hmm... see, I prefer not to know these things. pretty soon, there won't be any place for me to eat and such. companies donating to either side of an issue--I just don't agree with it. if you want to do a "service", pick a non-controversial issue.

3/02/2006 5:13 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I agree. But then again if I owned a company...I wouldn't care. At least not if I was as big as they are. I'm a Pizza Hut fan anyways. hehe.

3/02/2006 7:13 AM  

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